PEFTEC - Abstract

Abstract Title: Big and smart data analytics playing wonder for sustainable industrial operation: A case study of Indian petroleum and refinery sector
Abstract Type: Oral
Session Choice: Big Data, Smart Data and Big Analysis
Presenter Name: Mr Sudheesh Narayanan
Co-authors:Mr Sanjeev Kumar Kanchan
Company/Organisation: Knowledge Lens
Country: India

Abstract Information :

An Industrial operation needs Precise process control, anomaly detection, safety prediction, pollution monitoring, control and reporting. Smarter the system, safer and efficient is the operation. It is critical for Industries such as Petroleum, refineries, petrochemicals etc.., which carry high risks of safety and environmental hazards. As far as best Technology and practices are concerned, industries have adopted it with time to compete in the market and comply the regional regulations. Big data and Smart data analytics is a new tool playing exciting new role to take industrial performance to another level. India has chosen to take significant steps in this direction.

Since environment is among the priority agenda, Indian government has focused to upgrade the Environmental governance and compliance monitoring systems in a big way. Use of Real-time Pollution monitoring and reporting system have been undertaken which includes continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS), continuous ambient air quality monitoring system (CAAQMS), continuous effluent quality monitoring system (CEQMS), online direct transfer of pollution data to the regulator are mandated for bigger industries including petroleum and refineries. Real-time ambient air quality data is being used by government to take stock of pollution levels and enforce mitigation measures, whereas industrial point source emission data is being analysed automatically and acted upon both at industry and regulators end using big and smart data analytics.

Big data and smart data systems provide high throughput, combined data sets, meta-analysis, deeper analysis of the results. The The benefits Big Data Technology brings are large capacity to store, secure huge volumes of data, provide ability to perform advance search, secured share & transfer, create queries, build visualization which in-turn helps to take prompt decision and action. Indian industries including the petroleum and refineries have started utilizing this. The main functions utilized in the petroleum industries are data acquisition, normalization, validation (QAL 2, QAL 3 , AST), calibration, data processing, reporting, advanced analytics (time-series analytics, forecasting, wind rose, pollution rose, Air Quality index etc.). The benefit of accessing credible data on real time basis, less manual intervention, automated analysis, reports and alerts generation have made things efficient and convenient. However, to bring credibility to the system, quality assurance of analysers along with the data acquisition and handling system is on agenda.

The presentation will share the real snapshots of the MCERTS certified (EN 14181) software. It will also provide insights into big and smart data analytics being used by Indian regulators and industries (2500+ large scale industries including 35+ petroleum and refineries) for compliance monitoring. This will include architecture of data collection, reporting using secured IoT gateway, industrial and regulator’s software with automated data analytics, ambient air and water quality data analytics with automated targeted repose system, alerts system and public interface.

Interesting ideas and scope of use of similar software tools with analyzers in European industries and regulatory system will also be discussed.