PEFTEC - Abstract

Abstract Title: A reflection on Circular Economy of Polyolefins: Analytical challenges, new feedstock and new value chains
Abstract Type: Seminar
Session Choice: Recycling
Presenter Name: Dr Maria Soliman
Company/Organisation: SABIC
Country: Netherlands

Abstract Information :

This presentation will show a holistic approach towards circular economy; how do recycling innovations and design for circularity come together in close collaboration between value-chain partners. What are the missing links in order to reduce plastic waste and enable high value applications based on recycled feedstock and enabling better recycling at the same time? How can we close the loop on plastics? Examples of potential approaches and solutions are being shown related to the questions above. A special focus will be given to the analytical challenges related to the characterization of plastic waste and plastic derived oils. What developments are needed to support the petrochemical industry in the quest for circular and low CO2 emitting technologies for the production of commodity polymers.