Dr. Reed has a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Stanford University, and worked for multiple companies in Silicon Valley before relocating to the UK. He is COO of QLM where he is helping to commercialise novel gas detection and imaging systems based on semiconductor infrared lasers, single-photon detectors and quantum technology developed by researchers at the University of Bristol.
We are developing a novel methane detection system based on a high sensitivity, compact and low-cost differential absorption lidar (DIAL) sensor mounted on a drone. Our quantum optical sensor is based on new compound semiconductor components and single photon quantum technology developed at the University of Bristol and the Bristol Quantum Technology Enterprise Centre. It is capable of identifying methane plumes from over 50m distance using extremely low levels of eye-safe laser illumination. Calibrated leak measurement with the UK NPL to validate our sensor’s performance against the US EPA New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) leak sensitivity requirements and drone field trials with Sky Futures in simulated industrial environments will be reviewed. Plans for data integration into a detection service using autonomous drones to enable large area patrols will be outlined.