Warren Corns

PS Analytical ,


Warren Corns is Head of Research and Development of PS Analytical Ltd based in Orpington, UK. He has a BSc in Marine Chemistry and PhD in Analytical Chemistry. His main area of expertise is in the field of automated trace element analysis of mercury and hydride forming elements. He has worked in this field since 1985 and was involved in the early development of atomic fluorescence spectrometry for mercury and hydride forming elements. He was awarded the Hilger Spectroscopy Prize for his achievements in Analytical Chemistry and his research team has been awarded numerous awards such as the RSC Industrial Innovation Award for their work on Hg in the Petrochemical Industry. The PSA research group are currently involved in numerous projects including the 16ENV01 MercOx project and SI-Hg traceability project which is investigating the metrology and traceability of oxidized mercury. Warren is actively involved in the production of standardised methods for mercury sitting on various ISO/CEN/ASTM/BSI technical working groups as is the nominated UK principal expert. This covers a wide range of applications including ambient air, emissions, petrochemicals and food. Warren is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Institute of Environmental Science and Institute of Air Quality Management and has published over 90 peer reviewed papers on trace element analysis.

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