Kenneth Vindum

Olicem , Denmark


Available Soon

Short description about presentation:

Quality assurance of the DAHS is needed. But to what extend?

AMS and DAHS are both required to report emissions to the authorities. AMS has for a long time been quality assured by using certified analysers combined with EN 14181 (Stationary source emissions - Quality assurance of automated measuring systems).
EN 17255 (Stationary source emissions – Data acquisition and handling systems) is a series of four linked standards which describe requirements for the DAHS and the test of this system. After EN 17255-1 and EN 17255-2 has been introduced, a similar approach to EN 14181 is needed in order to extend the quality assurance from the analyser to the DAHS.
EN 17255-3 sets up a performance criteria which can be used by laboratories for testing the DAHS. The criteria ensure that the DAHS is in compliance with the standard. EN 17255-4 is used for on-going quality assurance just like EN 14181 is used for AMS. The two standards are however only a step of the way to quality assure the DAHS.
In this session we will discuss some of the other aspects when quality assuring software systems such as a DAHS system.
We will discuss some of the considerations we had during the development of ReportLoq DAHS.
Discussed subtopics

We will also investigate how internet connected DAHS systems can be implemented in high-risk power plants without risking data exposure and compromised control systems. Many DAHS systems are supported remotely by various vendors. Is it possible to make a hack-safe solution?