AQESHOW - Exhibitor - CDL-Tecora

CDL-Tecora is specialised in the development, manufacture, sale and maintenance of gas analysers and samplers for industry and the environment. In the field of emissions monitoring, CDL-Tecora offers a range of portable or fixed samplers for measuring dust, acids, heavy metals, dioxins, PFAS, etc. and CO2 Biogenic. CDL-Tecora also offers sampling and monitoring system to measure exposure of the workers to pollutants, contaminants or to any hazards conditions. In the insdustry, CDL-Tecora can propose gas analysers (O2, CO, CO2, etc.) and combustion control analysers to optimise processes and reduce plant energy consumption.



Products on Display at AQESHOW

< portable samplers for PFAS according OTM45>

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