Abstract Title: | Using the Carbon-14 Method to Determine Biogenic Content for WtE and Emissions Applications |
Presenter Name: | Jessica Ballasi |
Company/Organisation: | Beta Analytic |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Abstract Information :
This presentation will discuss the carbon-14 testing methodology and how biogenic carbon analysis is beneficial to the green gas industry as well as outline applicable regulations. In recent years, many industries have increasingly shifted from fossil-derived material in favor of biogenic alternatives as regulations are developed and enforced to transition to greener, carbon-neutral energy sources.
To comply with regulatory requirements and demand from the industry, determining the precise biogenic content of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions has become a significant challenge for professionals in the waste-to-energy (energy-from-waste), electricity generation, coal co-firing, steel, cement and lime industries who need to quantify biogenic CO2 emissions in order to comply with these regulations and pursue carbon-neutrality. Carbon-14 analysis is recognized in the industry as an ideal third-party verification tool when it comes to validating the biogenic content of CO2 emissions from waste-to-energy plants. The carbon-14 method is standardized and internationally recognised by the International Organization for Standardization and ASTM International (ASTM D6866 method B). Analysis is conducted with an Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS) instrument analyzing samples that have been converted into a solid graphite form. Results are calculated as a percentage of biogenic carbon identifying the fraction of biomass-derived versus fossil-fuel derived carbon in emissions.
The waste-to-energy industry and various emissions intensive industries are increasingly required to test their emissions to allocate carbon credits. This is notably due to the expanding scope of the EU ETS, in which carbon-14 analysis is crucial to respond to new challenges to accurately determine the biogenic content of emissions from various sources. The UK ETS also requires ISO EN 13833, ISO 18466 or ASTM D6866 testing for stationary source emissions seeking to claim biogenic content and plans to expand to include the WtE industry.
In addition to biogenic testing of CO2 emissions, carbon-14 analysis is applicable to several other industries and is applied to analyze various material types such as biofuels, biogas, MSW, and biobased products