CEM - Abstract

Abstract Title: FTIR P-AMS as a solution for compliance measurements with tightening ELVs
Presenter Name: Mrs Anna Leino
Company/Organisation: Gasmet Technologies
Country: United Kingdom

Abstract Information :

The European regulative framework related to industrial emission monitoring has been heavily based on the manual standard reference methods. With tightening emission limits, the sensitivity of many of the traditionally used manual measurement methods is no longer sufficient. Manual sampling also needs laboratory analysis of the samples, which means that results are delayed.

Portable automated measuring systems (P-AMS) can solve the problems associated with manual measurement methods. FTIR based P-AMS can measure simultaneously most gases of interest, and gives the results immediately, giving the opportunity to monitor the results in real time. FTIR also allows the use of broad measurement ranges, accommodating also for small ranges needed due to tightening ELVs. During the past years, the role of automated measuring methods in compliance measurements and other short term emission monitoring needs has been started to recognize.

The talk will give an overview of the current developments of relevant regulatory frameworks for compliance measurements and the effects of these changes to the usability of different measurement techniques. The role and benefits of P-AMS will be discussed, with a focus on FTIR based instruments.